William Branham Sermons Hindi हिंदी
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Be Certain Of God William Branham Urdu Hindi | Elijah in Bible widow of ...
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God is his own interpreter in Hindi / Urdu
This message delivered by William branham in 5 February 1964 Bakersfield California USA
Here are some important points from this sermons. you can also listen this sermons in English and Hindi video is below or please visit our YouTube channel to listen more sermons of William branham in English, Hindi and Urdu translations. but here i mentioned about God is his own interpreter
Here are some important points from this sermons. you can also listen this sermons in English and Hindi video is below or please visit our YouTube channel to listen more sermons of William branham in English, Hindi and Urdu translations. but here i mentioned about God is his own interpreter
Fifty years ago today, Brother Branham was in Bakersfield, California, where he preached six sermons between now and Sunday. Tonight, he was at the Kern County Fairgrounds, where he preached a short sermon titled, “God Is His Own Interpreter.”
For a start to the meetings Brother Branham prays the following prayer:
Our Heavenly Father, a Word from You would mean more than all man at anytime could do or say, because people are waiting to see You. And we thank Thee because that there is those who are under expectation, they are looking for something to happen. And when the people are thirsting for something, the deep calling to the Deep, there must be a Deep to respond to that call. And that's why we're here tonight, because it was upon these ministers' hearts, and the people, to call us together to ask You for favors and blessings, believing that You'll heal the sick and save the lost, and will make manifest Your Word.
And we pray, Heavenly Father, that You'll grant this to us as we humbly wait upon You, night after night. May there be such a--a pouring of the Holy Spirit, and may every person be blind to anything else around them except God. May there be such a great cry go out among the people, thirsting for God, till there'll come a revival throughout the country here and every church will be packed full of people, sinners crying out for God to have mercy, and--and the Holy Spirit healing the sick, making the lame to walk, and raising up the dead, and granting these things that's been promised in Thy Word.
Come, Lord Jesus, and fulfill Thy promise. Come to us tonight. We believe that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, that Your promises cannot fail. Both heavens and earth will fail but Your Word will not fail. May our understanding be open. May the Holy Spirit come and lay the fallow ground. May our understanding be open to the Spirit and power of God tonight, that He might manifest His promised Words through us. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.
For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
God is His Own Interpreter! He don't need anybody to interpret for Him. He does His Own interpreting. Who is the man that can interpret God? God is His Own Interpreter.
The Word of God is foreign to people; It's too unusual. God always does the unusual. It's unusual anywhere God is. It's against the systematics of the world, because that they've got things the way that they think it should be. But God comes in and does the unusual.
God does His Own interpreting to honest, sincere hearts, men and women that looks upon the--the thing that's mysterious, if you're honest and sincere and will believe, God has a way of interpreting it to you.
See where we're at! I believe we're at the Coming of the Son of God right now. I believe we're at the age of the--the very hour that He might appear at any time. I believe the Scriptures declare that, that we're in the last hours of the history of this world. I can see things as they're shaping. See this Ecumenical Council leading all the churches into it, into the mark of the beast. And see the Roman Empire and what it's doing, and all the rest of them. See them getting together, shutting out the Light, shutting off the Gospel. Everybody will have to belong to it and walk in their lights or you won't walk at all. See, we're at the end time. There's nothing left for us but to hold on to God and believe His Word. The Word is always right.
There's always something about God, when It comes among the people, It rings a bell. They know It. There's something tells them, there's a vindication there.
Preaching the Gospel is always blinding to the unbeliever.
It's the Word! And every time that a prophet came, he come with the Word, and he was the Word for that age. And what did it do? A prophesier who discerned the thoughts that was in the heart.
We believe that You're here tonight. We believe that You're just as much Jesus Christ tonight, here, as You ever was. And You're only looking for eyes, arms, legs, mouth, souls, bodies, that You can use to manifest Yourself. God, sanctify us tonight, that we might see the living Jesus Christ living among us. Let Him come!
But where it was said, "In just before the coming of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man." Unbelievers don't believe It. They're not expected to believe It. But believers believe It!
God is his own interpreter ईश्वर उसका अपना दुभाषिया है
william branham challenged Muslims, Hindus, Buddas, Sikism and etc
The prophet of 20th century William Branham challenged religious priests in India meeting.
If you want to read here is some text from sermon or you can listen just scroll down and click on video to listen..
Then out in the audience in the place where the people were, there come that wave in, "It's mental; it's something on the order of--of a psychic reading of their mind."
Then I thought, "Lord, if You'll just help me. I--I need Your help, Lord. These people are trying to class this a telepathy. And it's not, and You know it, Lord." And yet, I'd give them the Scripture that's Jesus said He did nothing till the Father showed Him. And then, turning to look at the man again, I saw Him just above there in a vision, with just as good of eyes as I had. I thought, "Now is the time."
I said, "This man is a worshipper of the sun now, and he's gone blind." And I said, "Now, the... There's the Mohammedan priests, and there's the--the priests of the Sikhs, and Jains, and the different types of religion, Buddha. Now, this man wants to receive his sight. Now, you would say that he's--he worshipped the creation instead of the Creator. I believe that too. But here we set tonight." I said, "And we been... Today I was entertained in the Jains temple where seventeen different religions was there to interview me, and every one of them against Christ, every one." And I said, "Now, and many of you men was down there. Now, if Christ is so wrong, then this man wants to be right, and surely the God of creation Who made the world will be the only One Who can give him his sight. That's reasonable." And I said, "Now, if any of you people, the Mohammedan here is the leading religion, if the Mohammedan priest will come here and give him his sight, then I'll follow Mohammedan, or if the Buddha priest will come give him his sight. But let the God Who made him, the God, somebody's God somewhere, 'cause there has to be, we can't have a creation without a Creator. And it'll take a Creator to create sight in these eyes. He's been blind twenty years from looking at the sun, thinking he'd go to heaven if he did it. The man ignorantly done that." I said, "What would you Buddha priests do? You'd just change his way of thinking. You'd say he's wrong." They worship their dead ancestors. And I said, "Now, you'd think he was... You'd say he was wrong, but what would you do? You'd change his way of thinking." And I said, "What would the Mohammedan do? Change his way of thinking. The Sikhs, Jains, and so forth, change their way of thinking."
I said, "We have the same thing in the United States. The Methodists all want to make all the Baptists become Methodists, and the Pentecostal wants to take all the Methodists and make them Pentecostals. It's a change of thought. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about God the Creator." And I said, "Surely the Creator would speak." And now, I wouldn't have said that if that vision hadn't have been there, by no means. Now, I said, "Now, if the One, that let Him be God, come give him his sight." And I said, "Now, I challenge any priest, or Raja, or holy man, or any what it might be, come give him his sight, and I'll follow your philosophy; you've made a convert." That was the quietest bunch of people I ever heard. See? Nobody did it.
And I said, "What you so quiet about?" I said, "The reason you are, is because you can't do it, and neither can I. But the God of heaven Who raised up His Son Jesus Christ, Whose servant we are, has just showed me a vision that the man's going to receive his sight." See? I said, "Now, if that be not so, then you can order me out of India. But if it is so, every one of you owe your life to Jesus Christ. I would like to ask you, how many in here will give your life to Christ if this blind man receives his sight? You see your priests, nobody comes up here. Why don't they come, if they've told you their religion is so big and so great? Why don't somebody come and say something?" Nobody come. I said, "Then you people out there, if you see this blind man standing here..."
And up come a doctor to examine his eyes. He shook his head; he said, "He's blind."
And so I said, "Certainly, he's blind." But I said, "If--and if God gives him his sight, how many of you will serve Jesus Christ?" And just as far as I could see, oceans of black hands. Turned to the man, and said, "Lord Jesus, let it be known that Thou art God." The man grabbed me around the neck, and there set the mayor of Bombay setting there, grabbed him around the neck, see as good as anybody could.
What is it? It's--it's actually a power. God is God, and Satan is Satan. If you don't believe in a Devil... When I first got started, I--I run headlong into him every day. Don't tell me there's no Devil, because I know better. I have to fight with him every day. So I know there's--there is a Devil. And you must be trained when you meet him; not trained in psychology, not trained in education, but trained by the Holy Spirit: God's power in His Word to make It manifest and know your enemy. Oh, what a cruel thing he is.
How I would like to stand here now and lay onto that, go back through the Bible and show you men back there who come face to face with it. How in the contest against the enemy, they fortified themselves by the Word of God. Noah had an experience of it, and he knew that God told him it was going to rain. And the contest was on between science and the Word of God. Science says, "It can't happen."
God said, "It will happen." Amen.
If you want to read here is some text from sermon or you can listen just scroll down and click on video to listen..
Then out in the audience in the place where the people were, there come that wave in, "It's mental; it's something on the order of--of a psychic reading of their mind."
Then I thought, "Lord, if You'll just help me. I--I need Your help, Lord. These people are trying to class this a telepathy. And it's not, and You know it, Lord." And yet, I'd give them the Scripture that's Jesus said He did nothing till the Father showed Him. And then, turning to look at the man again, I saw Him just above there in a vision, with just as good of eyes as I had. I thought, "Now is the time."
I said, "This man is a worshipper of the sun now, and he's gone blind." And I said, "Now, the... There's the Mohammedan priests, and there's the--the priests of the Sikhs, and Jains, and the different types of religion, Buddha. Now, this man wants to receive his sight. Now, you would say that he's--he worshipped the creation instead of the Creator. I believe that too. But here we set tonight." I said, "And we been... Today I was entertained in the Jains temple where seventeen different religions was there to interview me, and every one of them against Christ, every one." And I said, "Now, and many of you men was down there. Now, if Christ is so wrong, then this man wants to be right, and surely the God of creation Who made the world will be the only One Who can give him his sight. That's reasonable." And I said, "Now, if any of you people, the Mohammedan here is the leading religion, if the Mohammedan priest will come here and give him his sight, then I'll follow Mohammedan, or if the Buddha priest will come give him his sight. But let the God Who made him, the God, somebody's God somewhere, 'cause there has to be, we can't have a creation without a Creator. And it'll take a Creator to create sight in these eyes. He's been blind twenty years from looking at the sun, thinking he'd go to heaven if he did it. The man ignorantly done that." I said, "What would you Buddha priests do? You'd just change his way of thinking. You'd say he's wrong." They worship their dead ancestors. And I said, "Now, you'd think he was... You'd say he was wrong, but what would you do? You'd change his way of thinking." And I said, "What would the Mohammedan do? Change his way of thinking. The Sikhs, Jains, and so forth, change their way of thinking."
I said, "We have the same thing in the United States. The Methodists all want to make all the Baptists become Methodists, and the Pentecostal wants to take all the Methodists and make them Pentecostals. It's a change of thought. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about God the Creator." And I said, "Surely the Creator would speak." And now, I wouldn't have said that if that vision hadn't have been there, by no means. Now, I said, "Now, if the One, that let Him be God, come give him his sight." And I said, "Now, I challenge any priest, or Raja, or holy man, or any what it might be, come give him his sight, and I'll follow your philosophy; you've made a convert." That was the quietest bunch of people I ever heard. See? Nobody did it.
And I said, "What you so quiet about?" I said, "The reason you are, is because you can't do it, and neither can I. But the God of heaven Who raised up His Son Jesus Christ, Whose servant we are, has just showed me a vision that the man's going to receive his sight." See? I said, "Now, if that be not so, then you can order me out of India. But if it is so, every one of you owe your life to Jesus Christ. I would like to ask you, how many in here will give your life to Christ if this blind man receives his sight? You see your priests, nobody comes up here. Why don't they come, if they've told you their religion is so big and so great? Why don't somebody come and say something?" Nobody come. I said, "Then you people out there, if you see this blind man standing here..."
And up come a doctor to examine his eyes. He shook his head; he said, "He's blind."
And so I said, "Certainly, he's blind." But I said, "If--and if God gives him his sight, how many of you will serve Jesus Christ?" And just as far as I could see, oceans of black hands. Turned to the man, and said, "Lord Jesus, let it be known that Thou art God." The man grabbed me around the neck, and there set the mayor of Bombay setting there, grabbed him around the neck, see as good as anybody could.
What is it? It's--it's actually a power. God is God, and Satan is Satan. If you don't believe in a Devil... When I first got started, I--I run headlong into him every day. Don't tell me there's no Devil, because I know better. I have to fight with him every day. So I know there's--there is a Devil. And you must be trained when you meet him; not trained in psychology, not trained in education, but trained by the Holy Spirit: God's power in His Word to make It manifest and know your enemy. Oh, what a cruel thing he is.
How I would like to stand here now and lay onto that, go back through the Bible and show you men back there who come face to face with it. How in the contest against the enemy, they fortified themselves by the Word of God. Noah had an experience of it, and he knew that God told him it was going to rain. And the contest was on between science and the Word of God. Science says, "It can't happen."
God said, "It will happen." Amen.
Holy Communion Hindi Urdu by William Branham Tabernacle Jeffersonville, Indiana
Holy Communion ऐक्य
This Message by Brother William Marrion Branham called Communion delivered on Sunday, 4th February 1962 at the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A.The sermon, number 62-0204, is 1 hour and 27 minutes. if you want listen sermons scroll below and you can listen in English and Hindi language.
Here are some important points of this message
Many of us accept religion of Christianity upon the learning of creeds. Other accept Christianity upon doctrines of baptism. Others believe that they are Christians because of some emotion that they have exercised, such as shouting, or dancing in the Spirit, or speaking with tongues, or having some marvelous gift to present. All those things are good in their place. But to accept Christ is to accept the Person of Christ, it's then these other things just automatically fall in line.
And I'd go in. He said, "Just come with me." And we went to the laboratory, and there he picked up a little glass tube and he shook it. And there seemed to be a streak in it. He said, "That is the meningitis germ and it's in the baby. We drew this from the spine to release the spasm." And he said, "In this we find that it's tubucular meningitis." Said, "It nursed it from its mother." And said, "If that baby should live, it would be crippled, afflicted." But he said, "By the mercies of God, the baby is going to be with its mother."
I said, "Doctor, I want to see the baby."
He said, "You can't do it, Billy, because of Billy Paul, your boy." Said, "You would pack the germ back to him."
And when our blessed Lord in the Gethsemane, when going there, when He was re--to be rejected at Jerusalem, and the council was going to take His life... When the Eternal destination of every soul that ever was or would be on the earth rested upon His decision... Oh, how little mine was, comparison to that. How little yours was, in comparison to that. Such a pity that we can't stand these little things.
But in that great crucial hour until He suffered knowing all things, until the water and Blood separated in His body, and great drops of sweat-like Blood dropped from His brow... He died more death in Gethsemane than He did on the cross.
He was just at the event of this, just before the great battle was to start, and He took the communion. He brought His disciples together to talk over things with them.
And that's the way He does you and I just before the great battle of life starts, before the great battle of right and wrong begins to battle within us, God brings us to a Gethsemane. He brings us to the communion and He talks it all over with us.
We have a great, beautiful picture over in the Book of the Hebrew Letter in the 7th chapter. I would like to read just a little place in Hebrews 7 to get a context to go with this.
For this Melchisedec, King of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom the patriarch Abraham gave a tenth of all; first being by interpretation the King of righteousness,
... after that the King of Salem, which is, the King of peace;
You are not saved because you are a good person. You're saved because Christ chose you. No man seeks God; God seeks man. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me except My Father draws him first." And if we could stop just for a few moments and realize the great importance of that one thing, that it was God Who chose you, not willing that you should perish; but give to you the opportunity, and called you, and elected you to be His servant. Why, what could be more precious than that? Without you having a choice... It would be total impossible for any man to seek God; for he's by nature is a sinner; and he has nothing within him to give a desire to serve God.
William branham Sermons Hindi PDF download
How the angel came to me, and his commission
Preached on Monday, 17th January 1955 at the Lane Tech High School in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (1 hour and 32 minutes)
Preached on Monday, 17th January 1955 at the Lane Tech High School in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. (1 hour and 32 minutes)
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